2024-12-23 14:32:25











很久以前有一个凶恶的老巫婆住在特兰西瓦尼亚的森林里,因为不能生孩子,她杀死了很多小孩, 最终她被一位不知名的勇敢英雄打败。人们以一种服装来纪念失去生命的孩子,一开始是雪白的,还绣上花朵,象征纯洁和缅怀。鲜花被带到墓地,为死者的灵魂献上。 穿上这些有花的衣服,人们永远不会忘记所有被女巫杀死的无辜孩子。逐渐因为战争太多,罗马尼亚人在传统布料上添加了红色。


马来西亚是一个多文化国家,包括马来人、华人和印度人,都有自己的传统和宗教服装。Baju melayu是马来人的传统服装,它是一种宽松的束腰外衣,穿在裤子外面,通常与裹在臀部的一种称为sampin的纱笼搭配,是马来传统的男性服装,通常还搭配着一顶帽子或松谷。Baju kurung是马来妇女穿在长裙外的及膝上衣,有长袖,没有衣领。裙子被称为kain,一侧有褶皱。另一种,被称为kebaya,是一种更贴身的两件式连衣裙,这种传统服装在马来西亚广受欢迎,也是马来西亚航空公司的空姐的标配。



Hanfy:Akind of always fashionable style

Recently, the most popular movie is A dream of Splendor. The Hanfu worn by the actors, whether it is mens or womens clothing, is eye-catching. Hanfu is the traditional clothing of the Chinese Han people. When talking about the Han clothes, first image that comes to everyone’s mind is that the waist is tied with a belt, loose sleeves and elegant robes. The entire picture is particularly beautiful, giving people an elegant and noble image.

Hanfu has a history of 3000 years and consists of skirt and robe or jacket as the top coat. In addition to clothing, Hanfu also includes various accessories such as headwear, jewelry, fan, belt, jade pendant, shoes and so on. In each dynasty, Han clothes had their own unique dress patterns, which also reflected the social culture of the times. Nowadays, Hanfu is popular in the Chinese circle and is very popular, especially in Xian, Hangzhou, Suzhou, Nanjing and other places which are known as Four Ancient Capitals of China, sometimes people wearing Hanfu blending in the crowd may be noticed.

Due to all the changes of political boundaries, Romania has experienced many historical influences similar to most Eastern European countries. Therefore, Romanian clothing is shaped by a variety of different styles. Beloved IA - embroidered linen blouse is part of the national costume of Romania. IA was originally a celebration costume, usually white, simple in shape, made of linen, hemp, cotton or silk. On it, colored threads are used to embroider geometric patterns or flower patterns.

Whats more, the patterns vary by region, and each set has a unique story. Because of the complexity of hand knitting, embroidery or hand beading, it can take weeks to complete a garment. This costume has an ancient legend.

A long time ago, there was a vicious old witch who lived in the forests of Transylvania. Because she could not give birth to any children, she killed many children, but one day she was defeated by an unknown brave hero. People commemorate children who lost their lives with a kind of clothing, which is white and embroidered with flowers to symbolize purity and to cherish their memories. Flowers are brought to the cemetery and offered to the souls of the deceased. Wearing these flowery clothes, people will never forget all the innocent children killed by the witch. Gradually because of too many wars, the Romanians added red to the traditional cloth.

Todays traditional Romanian costumes not only have flowers representing joy, but also red, yellow and blue, with red representing the blood of heroes, yellow from the grain fields, and blue symbolizing a bright future.

Malaysia is a multicultural country, including Malays, Chinese and Indians, all with their own traditional and religious garments. Baju melayu is the traditional Malay dress, which is a loose tunic worn over trousers, usually paired with a sarong called sampin wrapped around the hips. It is the traditional Malay dress for men, that usually match with a hat or a headgear. Baju kurung is a knee-length top worn by Malay women over a long skirt, with long sleeves and no collar. The skirt is called kain and has folds on one side. The other, known as the kebaya, is a more fitted two-piece dress, a traditional garment popular in Malaysia and standard for Malaysia Airlines flight attendants.

Sari is a traditional Indian costume. It is a 5 to 6 meters long garment, usually paired with a colorful petticoat. This is worn above the belly button to support the sari. The sari come in a variety of materials and are wrapped around the body, having embroidered ends that fall over the shoulders. Women of high status would embroider complicated beading on their garments with gold and silver thread. Indian men usually wear a kurta, a knee-length shirt made of cotton or linen, for formal occasions. They also have a garment called Sherwani, which has a buttoned, snug fit at the front, while the bottoms are loose at the top and is a fitted waist top.

Every country has its own traditional costumes. Their costumes are beautiful and have their own characteristics. What I like most is the Hanfu. Its beauty is fascinating, like a brilliant star, a picture from the sky, something that is unforgettable.

指导老师:刘海明 王小杨

